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He Lian Hai
Portrait and Commercial photography / China

A trip to Mogao Grottoes inspired Lian Hai He and he then turned to photography after dedicating himself to the Chinese ink and wash painting for a dozen of years. Mr. He has built up his own aesthetics, infused it into modern fashion photography and thus developed his unique style of commercial fashion.

He believed that the native painting was more visual while photography was much more realistic. Mr. He believes that fashion photography, as a concrete visual form, will arouse the visual as well as the psychological reactions first in the viewers and then resonates with their emotions.

Whether represented in abstract or concrete form, fashion photography is based on the rounded understanding and knowledge of the object itself. By comparison and contrast as well as by choice, the photographer extracts and refines the characteristics of the object itself to intensify the prototype of the object by adding the photographer’s aesthetics to make it a sign. The sign will lead to the desired visual image you’re eager to represent.

Lian Hai He is Director of Blacklight Education Institution, Winner of the 11th Photography Oscar Award in China, and was elected Top Ten Distinguished Photographers in China.