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Matt Hill

Night photography / USA

​Matt is a photographer from the US who specializes in night photography. He adores night photography so much that he rarely shoots during the daytime. He is an artist through and through and has to create to be happy.

Matt has been teaching night photography for seven years, mostly with his good friend and co-founder of National Parks at Night, Gabriel Biderman. They have taught in New York City, Bannerman Island and many historic sites in the Hudson Valley / New York, including Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Green-Wood Cemetery and Woodlawn Cemetery. I really dig entropy, water, sky and time.

His passion for the photo industry and marketing has kept me working within it for two decades. He has worked for Sinar Bron Imaging, Mamiya America Corporation/MAC Group, B&H and, most recently, Gradus Group, where he is the Director of Marketing. Being a part of a vibrant and thriving industry also keeps him connected to thousands of amazing photographers, artists and educators. Practically everyone in the world loves photography. It's an amazing time to be a photographer.

Who are his heroes?
Wayne Coyne, Walter Murch, Nick Cave and Tom Waits. They are all multi-dimensional storytellers with heart and passion with no regard for convention.

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